Celebrate Safely This Independence Day

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There are 34 item(s) tagged with the keyword "liability".

Displaying: 31 - 34 of 34

31. Sorting Through Mission Travel Insurance

As your church mission team prepares for a short term international trip, it’s important to think through what risks your team will be exposed to and what insurance coverage you may need while you do God’s work abroad.

Tags: mission travel, protect, Faith Ventures, safety, insurance, coverage, liability
32. Protecting Staff Members Is a 'Must Do' for Churches

Church security is a broad undertaking. A variety of situations may call the church’s security team to action, but protecting staff members may be one of its chief responsibilities. Staff members can be some of the most vulnerable people to consider when forming a security program.

Tags: protect, liability, safety, security, security team, protecting staff members
33. Save Lives with a Church Medical Response Team

If someone in your congregation suddenly needs emergency medical attention would your church know how to respond quickly and correctly to help save that person’s life? Medical emergencies can happen anywhere and anytime, which is why it’s important for your ministry to be prepared to respond.

Tags: protect, liability, medical emergency, medical team, safety
34. Financial Red Flags and Proactive Practices

Financial dishonesty can happen anywhere. Churches and ministries are especially susceptible to issues of financial dishonesty involving theft from ministry accounts. Regardless of the size of your ministry, it’s always important to be aware of “red flags” and take steps to promote financial accountability at your church or ministry.

Tags: coverage, protect, liability, damages, finance

Displaying: 31 - 34 of 34